“I am proud of that I am azerbaijanian”

Heydar Aliyev
30.06.2020, 17:00

Video meetings have been held within the project "Although we are different, we are strong together"

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The next guests of the project were Ahmad Ali Shah, representative of the Pakistani diaspora in Azerbaijan, Khalid Teymur, Director of the Center for Global and Strategic Studies of Pakistan, Professor Chingiz Abdullayev, Chairman of the German-Azerbaijani Society, Hajar Verdiyeva, Scientific Secretary of the Archive of Political Documents of the Administrative Office of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Member of the Board of the German-Azerbaijani Society, Olga Yuzhanina, Chairwoman of the Public Union "Poland-Azerbaijan Polish Community" and Telman Huseynov, Deputy Chairman of the pubic union.

Ahmad Ali Shah gave detailed information about his education, experience, work and family life in Azerbaijan, where he always felt native and spoke about the closeness between our culture and cuisine.

Speaking about the historical and cultural roots of relations between Azerbaijan and Pakistan, Khalid Teymur reminded that Pakistan was one of the first countries to recognize the state independence of our country and always supported the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. It was noted that Pakistani tourists have visited Azerbaijan in recent years, and perspectives for future cooperation were discussed.

Chingiz Abdullayev and Hajar Verdiyeva informed the participants about the settlement of Germans in Azerbaijan, their colonies, history, culture and architectural monuments. It was noted that the Germans were closely involved in the activities of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and the detection of the crimes of the Armenian Dashnaks, held exhibitions and international conferences dedicated to the 190th and 200th anniversaries of their settlement in Azerbaijan and it was stressed that, such events serve to preserve the traditions of multiculturalism and tolerance in our country.

Olga Yuzhanina and Telman Huseynov spoke about the history and activities of the Polish community, cultural events, Polish architecture, the fact that Poles began to settle in Azerbaijan in the XIX century, and they love Azerbaijan. They informed about the work they have done to deliver the realities about Azerbaijan in Poland. During the meeting, Telman Huseynov's performance was listened in Azerbaijani and Polish languages.

The meetings were broadcast live on social media.

It should be noted that, the goal of the project "Although we are different, we are strong together” is to promote the values of multiculturalism and tolerance in Azerbaijan in the world, to contribute to strengthening the position of our compatriots abroad in the countries where they live, to expand relations and partnerships with diaspora organizations, communities and religious organizations in our country.