“I am proud of that I am azerbaijanian”

Heydar Aliyev
29.09.2018, 21:04

Protocols of inquiries, acts and other materials on destruction of Moslem villages in the Shemakha uyezd (26 October - 15 December 1918)

A- A+

Source: CSAOR AzSSR, f. 1061, op. 1, d. 111, p. 2.


I, senior representative of Kashad village of 168 houses, composed the following act with selected honorary residents on April 5th 1919.

The residents of our settlement suffered the following casualties during Armenian attack in the month of March 1918.

1) killed: men - 91, women - 40, children - 47

2) injured: three elderly persons

3) houses and buildings worth 400,000 roubles destroyed and burnt.

4) 500 heads of cattle and small cattle worth 55,000 roubles killed and stolen.

5) Household belongings, agricultural instruments, bread in grains and other movable properties worth 280,000 roubles stolen.

6) Hay worth 100,000 roubles damaged and stolen.

7) Grape and mullberry gardens worth 50,000 roubles damaged.

8) Bread and hay worth 800,000 roubles stolen or damaged.

9) Damages worth 400,000 roubles from unsown areas.

Total damages worth 2,580,000 roubles.

Senior representative Agamahmud Hasan oglu (signed)

Mullah parishioner (signed)

Aksakkals (5 signatures)


Source: CSAOR AzSSR, f. 1061, op. 1. d. 111, p. 49.

We, the undersigned residents of Sundi village of Shemakha uyezd, composed the following act at our meeting on November 8th 1918.

1. Before the Armenian attack our village had 413 houses and 2,553 persons.

2. 267 houses were burnt down and 987 persons were killed during the Armenian attack.

3. List of 987 persons and damages in roubels.


Sources: CSAOR AzSSR, f. 1061, op. 1, d. 85, p. 14.

I, senior representative of Arab-Kadim village of 358 houses, jointly with selected honorary representatives of the village, composed the following act on April 4th 1919. This act concerns the damages suffered by our village during the Armenian attack in March of 1918.

1) Killed: men - 200, women - 140, children - 90

2) injured: no

3) houses and buildings worth 1,500,000 roubles destroyed.

4) Houses and buildings burnt.

5) 308 heads of cattle worth 924,000 roubles stolen and killed.

6) 1,500 heads of small cattle and sheep worth 1,500,000 roubles stolen and killed.

7) Household belongings, equipment, bread in grains, etc., worth 1,000,000 roubles stolen

8) Hay worth 50,000 roubles damaged and stolen.

9) Grape and mullbery gardens worth …. damaged.

10) Other damages

Total damages worth 6,474,000 roubles

Senior representative Adjal gul Ali oglu

Mullah parishioner: Mullah Fatali Abdurahman oglu

Signatures of 9 aksakkals


Source: CSARO AzSSR, f. 1061, op. 1, d. 85, p. 14.

April 3rd 1919. I, senior representative of Jagirli village of 165 houses, together with selected honorary representatives of our village, composed the following act on the damages caused by Armenian attack in March of 1918:

1) killed: men - 98, women - 70, children - 54

2) injured: men -2, children-2, elderly persons - 5

3) destroyed houses and buildings worth 500,000 roubles

4) houses and buildings worth …. burnt down

5) 500 heads of cattle worth 270,000 roubles stolen and killed

6) 700 heads of small cattle and sheep worth 70,000 roubles stolen and killed

7) Household belongings, agricultural equipment, bread in grains and other movable properties worth 1,500,000 roubles stolen.

8) Hay worth 20,000 roubles damaged and stolen

9) Grape and mullbery gardens worth …. damaged

10) Bread and hay worth 200,000 roubles damaged and stolen

11) Damages worth 3,000,000 roubles from unsown areas.

Total damages worth 9,720,000 roubles

Assistant to senior representative - Haji Mirzali

Mullah parishioner: Arabic signature

Aksakkals: 4 signatures

The protocol of the interrogation on November 13th 1918. The extraordinary investigation commission under the Government of Azerbaijan questioned the undersigned as victim in line with the UUS.

Source: CSAOR AzSSR, f. 1061, op. 1, d. 111, p. 138.

My name is Sunali Novruz oglu. I am a confidant of the Nabur village in Shemakha uyezd, 70, Moslem, illiterate.

Armenians attacked our village in the evening. We did not have the arms to defend ourselves and escaped to the Gara Yazi area in the mountains. Armenians killed 1,012 residents of our village, and burned down 280 houses and destroyed nearly 200 houses.

We stayed in Garayazi for nearly two weeks and from there went to Oyag Dora village, where we stayed until the Turks came. We composed the act on damages caused by Armenians, which you can find attached.

Commission member (signed)


Source: CSAOR AzSSR, f. 1061, op. 1, d. 111, p. 139.

We, residents of Nabur village of the Shemakha uyezd, gathered on November 12th 1918 to compose the following act concerning…

1. Our village had 280 houses and 1,486 residents prior to the Armenian attack.

2. During the attack, Armenians burned down 200 houses and killed 1,012 persons (list of killed residents and financial damages attached).

Arabic signatures.


Source: CSAOR AzSSR, f. 1061, op. 1, d. 111, p. 130-132.

We, the residents of Marzali village of the Shemakha uyezd, gathered on … 1918, to compose the following act concerning…

1. Prior to the attack our village had 900 houses and 8,317 residents.

2. During the attack, Armenians burned down 512 houses and killed 963 persons.

3. Destroyed and stolen: (list of persons murdered by Armenians and financial damages).

The protocol of the interrogation on November 15th 1918. The extraordinary investigation commission under the Government of Azerbaijan questioned the undersigned as victim in line with the UUS.

Source: CSAOR AzSSR, f. 1061, op. 1. f. 111. p. 133.

I am Ibrahim Halil Tapdig oglu. Senior representative of the Marzali village of Shemakha uyzd. 55 years old, literate.

Our village is situated one verst away from the Molokan settlement, which is also called Marzali. After the first pogrom of the Shemakha city, when Ganja Moslem troops began to withdraw from the Gaziya village, we noticed the presence of numerous foreign persons, mostly Armenians, in the above-mentioned Molokan village. At the same time, two Molokans Ivan Koreyev and Vitaly Popov, who went to Baku, came back with some persons, who required our village's aksakkals to come and offered to surrender the weapons they had at the village and give up to the Bolsheviks. They also said they chief would soon arrive from Baku.

We took time from them and began to discuss our situation. Some of us decided to not believe any proposals from suspicious persons and for fear of pogroms by Molokans and Armenians, we sent our families with several dozens of men to our winter sites in Kabristan. However, most of the residents decided to stay and wait for the development of events.

Two days later, our honorary residents were called to the Molokan village. We were waiting for our aksakkals. Finally, Molokans and Armenians attacked our village and burned it down. They killed 963 persons and burned and destroyed 400 houses.

Signature of witness

Commission member (signed)